#= init_data プログラム用 NAMELIST ファイル (T21L26 用) # #= NAMELIST file for "init_data" (for T21L26) # # Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2008-2009. All rights reserved. # # Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel. # &restart_file_io_nml ! OutputFile = 'init_T21L26.nc', OutputFile = '0000/rst.nc', ! 初期値データのファイル名 ! filename of initial data / &fileset_nml FileTitle = 'Initial data for dcpam5', ! 出力データファイルの表題. ! Title of output data files FileSource = 'dcpam5 $Name: $ (http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/dcpam)', ! データファイル作成の手段. ! Source of data file FileInstitution = 'GFD Dennou Club (http://www.gfd-dennou.org)' ! データファイルを最終的に変更した組織/個人. ! Institution or person that changes data files for the last time / &gridset_nml nmax = 21, ! 最大全波数. ! Maximum truncated wavenumber imax = 64, ! 経度格子点数. ! Number of grid points in longitude jmax = 32, ! 緯度格子点数. ! Number of grid points in latitude kmax = 26 ! 鉛直層数. ! Number of vertical level / &composition_nml ncmax = 4, Names = 'QH2OVap', 'QH2OLiq', 'QH2OSol', 'TKE', FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., .true., FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .true., .false., FlagVDiff = .true., .true., .true., .false., ! ncmax = 5, ! Names = 'QVap', 'H2OLiq', 'H2OSol', 'TKE', 'CloudCover', ! FlagAdv = .true., .false., .false., .false., .false., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .false., .false., .false., .false., ! FlagVDiff = .true., .false., .false., .false., .false., ! ncmax = 5, ! Names = 'QVap', 'H2OLiq', 'H2OSol', 'TKE', 'CloudCover', ! FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .true., .false., .false., ! FlagVDiff = .true., .true., .true., .false., .false., ! ncmax = 4, ! Names = 'QVap' 'H2OLiq' 'H2OSol', 'TKE', ! FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., .true., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .true., .false. ! ncmax = 3, ! Names = 'QVap' 'H2OLiq' 'TKE', ! FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .false. / ×et_nml RestartTimeValue = 0.0, ! リスタート開始時刻. ! Restart time of calculation RestartTimeUnit = 'day', ! リスタート開始時刻の単位. ! Unit of restart time of calculation !!$ Date = 2008, 10, 1, 12, 0, 0, 09, 00, !!$ ! 計算開始日時. (年月日時分秒, タイムゾーン時分) !!$ ! Start date of calculation. !!$ ! (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, !!$ ! and hour, minute of time zone) !!$ Calendar = 'gregorian', !!$ Calendar = 'julian', !!$ Calendar = 'noleap', !!$ Calendar = 'cyclic', !!$ ! 暦法. Calender / &axesset_nml Sigma = 1.00000000 0.997503102 0.992528021 0.982652187 0.963194370 0.927743435 0.893597305 0.829029083 0.762362421 0.695695758 0.629029095 0.562362432 0.495695770 0.429029107 0.362362444 0.295695782 0.230288103 0.179348558 0.139676794 0.108780399 8.47182572E-02 6.59786463E-02 5.13842218E-02 4.00180705E-02 3.11661046E-02 1.55830523E-02 0.00000000E+00 ! $ \sigma $ レベル (半整数). ! Half $ \sigma $ level / &initial_data_nml pattern = 'Small Disturbance of Temperature', ! 初期値データのパターン. ! Initial data pattern TempAvr = 280.0, ! $ \bar{T} $ . 温度平均値. Mean temperature PsAvr = 1.0e+5, ! $ \bar{p_s} $ . 地表面気圧平均値. Mean surface pressure QVapAvr = 0.0e0, ! $ \bar{q} $ . 比湿平均値. Mean specific humidity Ueq = 0.0 ! $ u_{eq} $ . 赤道上の東西風速. Eastward wind on the equator !!$! !!$ pattern = 'AGCM 5.3 Default', !!$ ! 初期値データのパターン. !!$ ! Initial data pattern !!$ TempAvr = 250.0, !!$ ! $ \bar{T} $ . 温度平均値. Mean temperature !!$ PsAvr = 1.0e+5, !!$ ! $ \bar{p_s} $ . 地表面気圧平均値. Mean surface pressure !!$ QVapAvr = 1.0e-10, !!$ ! $ \bar{q} $ . 比湿平均値. Mean specific humidity !!$ Ueq = 0.0 !!$ ! $ u_{eq} $ . 赤道上の東西風速. Eastward wind on the equator !!$! !!$ pattern = 'Sugiyama et al. (2008)', !!$ ! 初期値データのパターン. !!$ ! Initial data pattern !!$ TempAvr = 490.0, !!$ ! $ \bar{T} $ . 温度平均値. Mean temperature !!$ PsAvr = 3.0e+6, !!$ ! $ \bar{p_s} $ . 地表面気圧平均値. Mean surface pressure !!$ QVapAvr = 6.11641e-3 !!$ ! $ \bar{q} $ . 比湿平均値. Mean specific humidity /