#= dcpam_main プログラム用 NAMELIST ファイル (T21L26 用) # #= NAMELIST file for "dcpam_main" # # Copyright (C) GFD Dennou Club, 2008-2009. All rights reserved. # # Note that Japanese and English are described in parallel. # &modify_albedo_snowseaice_nml FlagModAlbedoBasedOnTemp = .true. / &lscond_nml QH2OFlucRatio = 0.1 / &mass_fixer_nml ThresholdForMessage = -1.0d-20 / &sltt_nml FlagSLTTArcsineHor = .false., FlagSLTTArcsineVer = .false. / &sltt_const_nml dtiw = 2, dtjw = 3 / !&cloud_utils_nml ! CCNMixRatPerUnitMass = 1.0d9 !/ &constants_snowseaice_nml SnowAlbedo = 0.6d0, SeaIceAlbedo = 0.6d0, SnowThresholdForFlux = 10.0d0, SnowThresholdForAlbedo = 10.0d0, ! ThresholdSurfSnow = 20.0d0, ! ThresholdSurfSnow = 50.0d0, ! ThresholdSurfSnow = 100.0d0, ! SnowMaxThermDepth = 1.0d0 / &gwd_m1987_nml ! FlagDetermineRefLevByStd = .true., ! SigmaRef = 0.985d0, SigmaRef = 0.970d0, ! SigmaRef = 0.910d0, ! & CrtlFNumSq, & ! & Efficiency, & OrogEffWaveLength = 100.0d3 / &saturate_nml SaturateWatIceFracType = 'Lin' ! SaturateWatIceFracType = 'Quad', ! TempIceLim = 233.15d0, ! TempWatLim = 273.15d0 TempIceLim = 253.15d0, TempWatLim = 273.15d0 ! TempIceLim = 0.0d0, ! TempWatLim = 0.0d0 / &dry_conv_adjust_nml FlagAdjustMom = .true., FlagAdjustMR = .true. / &check_prog_vars_nml TempMax = 320.0d0 / &dcpam_main_nml DynMode = 'HSPLVAS83', !!$ DynMode = 'NoHorAdv', PhysMode = 'FullPhysics', !!$ PhysMode = 'HS94', !!$ PhysMode = 'VenusSimple', !!$ PhysMode = 'JupiterSimple', !!$ PhysMode = 'NoPhysics', !!$ RadModel = 'DennouAGCM', RadModel = 'Earth', !!$ RadModel = 'Mars', !!$ RadModel = 'SL09', !!$ RadModel = 'Simple', SfcFluxMethod = 'BH91B94', VDiffMethod = 'MY2.5', ! PhysImpMode = 'SoilModel', PhysImpMode = 'SoilModelSO', !!$ PhysImpMode = '1LayModel', !!$ PhysImpMode = 'AtmOnly', !!$ MCMethod = 'None', !!$ MCMethod = 'MCA', ! MCMethod = 'RAS', MCMethod = 'RASWithIce', ! LSCMethod = 'None', ! LSCMethod = 'M65', ! LSCMethod = 'M65WithIce', ! LSCMethod = 'LL91', LSCMethod = 'LL91WithIce', !!$ CloudMethod = 'None', ! CloudMethod = 'Simple', CloudMethod = 'SimpleWithIce', ! CloudMethod = 'T1993WithIce', !!$ SfcMoistMethod = 'None', SfcMoistMethod = 'Bucket', !!$ GWDMethod = 'None', GWDMethod = 'M1987', !!$ DCMethod = 'None', DCMethod = 'DCA', FlagSnow = .true. / &fileset_nml FileTitle = 'Simulation of an atmosphere of planet with the land and the ocean', ! 出力データファイルの表題. ! Title of output data files FileSource = 'dcpam5 $Name: $ (http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/dcpam)', ! データファイル作成の手段. ! Source of data file FileInstitution = 'GFD Dennou Club (http://www.gfd-dennou.org)' ! データファイルを最終的に変更した組織/個人. ! Institution or person that changes data files for the last time / &gridset_nml nmax = 21, ! 最大全波数. ! Maximum truncated wavenumber imax = 64, ! 経度格子点数. ! Number of grid points in longitude jmax = 32, ! 緯度格子点数. ! Number of grid points in latitude kmax = 26, ! 鉛直層数. ! Number of vertical level kslmax = 9 ! 地下の鉛直層数. ! Number of subsurface vertical level / &composition_nml ncmax = 4, Names = 'QH2OVap', 'QH2OLiq', 'QH2OSol', 'TKE', FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., .true., FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .true., .false., FlagVDiff = .true., .true., .true., .false., ! ncmax = 5, ! Names = 'QVap', 'H2OLiq', 'H2OSol', 'TKE', 'CloudCover', ! FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .true., .false., .false., ! FlagVDiff = .true., .true., .true., .false., .false., ! ncmax = 4, ! Names = 'QVap' 'H2OLiq' 'H2OSol', 'TKE', ! FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., .true., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .true., .false. ! ncmax = 3, ! Names = 'QVap' 'H2OLiq' 'TKE', ! FlagAdv = .true., .true., .true., ! FlagMassFix = .true., .true., .false. / !&composition_nml ! ncmax = 2, ! Names = 'QVap' 'H2OLiq', !! FlagAdv = .true., .false. ! FlagAdv = .true., .true. !/ ×et_nml ! RestartTimeValue = 630720000.0d0, ! RestartTimeValue = 1261440000.0d0, ! RestartTimeValue = 1892160000.0d0, ! RestartTimeValue = 2522880000.0d0, RestartTimeValue = 3153600000.0d0, RestartTimeUnit = 'sec', cal_type = 'noleap', InitialYear = 1, InitialMonth = 1, InitialDay = 1, InitialHour = 0, InitialMin = 0, InitialSec = 0.0d0, ! EndYear = 4, ! EndYear = 21, ! EndYear = 41, ! EndYear = 61, ! EndYear = 81, ! EndYear = 101, EndYear = 121, EndMonth = 1, EndDay = 1, EndHour = 0, EndMin = 0, EndSec = 0.0d0, DelTimeValue = 32.0, ! DelTimeValue = 30.0, ! DelTimeValue = 24.0, ! DelTimeValue = 20.0, ! DelTimeValue = 15.0, ! DelTimeValue = 12.0, ! failed(?) ! DelTimeValue = 10.0, ! T42 ! $ \Delta t $ . 単位は DelTimeUnit にて指定. ! Unit is specified by "DelTimeUnit". DelTimeUnit = 'min', ! $ \Delta t $ の単位. ! Unit of $ \Delta t $ PredictIntValue = 1.0, ! 終了予測日時表示間隔. ! Interval of predicted end time output PredictIntUnit = 'day', ! 終了予測日時表示間隔 (単位). ! Unit for interval of predicted end time output CpuTimeMoniter = .true. ! CPU 時間計測のオンオフ ! On/off of CPU time monitoring / &restart_surftemp_io_nml ! InputFile = 'surface_T21.nc' InputFile = 'ic/rst_sst.nc' / &restart_file_io_nml ! InputFile = 'init_T21L26.nc', InputFile = 'ic/rst.nc', ! 入力する初期値/リスタートデータのファイル名 ! filename of input initial/restart data OutputFile = 'rst.nc', ! 出力するリスタートデータのファイル名 ! filename of output restart data IntValue = 365.0, ! IntValue = 30.0, ! リスタートデータの出力間隔. ! Interval of restart data output IntUnit = 'day' ! リスタートデータの出力間隔の単位. ! Unit for interval of restart data output / &relaxed_arakawa_schubert RASSupressFactor = 0.1d0, ! DetCldWatCondFactor0 = -1.0d0, ! DetCldIceCondFactor0 = -1.0d0, ! PRCPArea = 0.0d0, ! PRCPEvapArea = 0.0d0, ! RainSnowConvFactor0 = 0.0d0, PRCPArea = 0.05d0, ! PRCPEvapArea = 0.05d0, ! RainSnowConvFactor0 = 0.500d0, ! RainSnowConvFactor0 = 0.700d0, RainSnowConvFactor0 = 0.900d0, ! AdjTimeConst = 1800.0d0, FlagZeroCrtlCWF = .true. ! FlagZeroCrtlCWF = .false. / &cloud_simple_nml ! CloudCoverMethod = 'RHLin', ! CloudCoverRHCrtl = 0.8d0, CloudCoverMethod = 'Const', ! FlagPRCPEvap = .true., PRCPArea = 1.0d0, PRCPEvapArea = 1.0d0, ! PRCPEvapArea = 0.5d0, ! PRCPEvapArea = 0.1d0, ! PRCPEvapArea = 0.0d0, ! SnowMethod = 'KeyLLTemp', SnowMethod = 'StepPC', CloudWatLifeTime = 3240.0d0, CloudIceLifeTime = 8400.0d0, / &surface_properties_nml SurfTempSetting = 'generate_internally', ! 地表面温度の設定方法 ! Setting of surface temperature SurfTempFile = '', ! 地表面温度のファイル名. ! File name of surface temperature SurfTempName = '', ! 地表面温度の変数名. ! Variable name of surface temperature SeaIceSetting = 'generate_internally', ! 海氷面密度の設定方法 ! Setting of sea ice SeaIceFile = '', ! 海氷面密度のファイル名. ! File name of sea ice SeaIceName = '', ! 海氷面密度の変数名. ! Variable name of sea ice SurfTypeSetting = 'file', SurfTypeFile = '../data_Earth/sp_for_Earth_T021_P8.nc', SurfTypeName = 'sfcindex', SurfCondSetting = 'generate_from_SurfType', ! 地表状態の設定方法 ! Setting of surface condition SurfCondFile = '', ! 地表状態 (0: 固定, 1: 可変) のファイル名. ! File name of surface condition (0: fixed, 1: variable) SurfCondName = '', ! 地表状態 (0: 固定, 1: 可変) の変数名. ! Variable name of surface condition (0: fixed, 1: variable) SurfCulIntSetting = 'generate_internally', ! ! Setting of surface cultivation intensity SurfCulIntFile = '', ! ! File name of surface cultivation intensity SurfCulIntName = '', ! ! Variable name of surface cultivation intensity SurfHeightSetting = 'file', ! 地表面高度の設定方法 ! Setting of surface height SurfHeightFile = '../data_Earth/sp_for_Earth_T021_P8.nc', ! 地表面高度のファイル名. ! File name of surface height SurfHeightName = 'zs', ! 地表面高度の変数名. ! Variable name of surface height SurfHeightStdSetting = 'file', ! 地表面高度標準偏差の設定方法 ! Setting of surface height standard deviation SurfHeightStdFile = '../data_Earth/sp_for_Earth_T021_P8.nc', ! 地表面高度標準偏差のファイル名. ! File name of surface height standard deviation SurfHeightStdName = 'zsstd', ! 地表面高度標準偏差の変数名. ! Variable name of surface height standard deviation AlbedoSetting = 'LOContrast', ! アルベドの設定方法 ! Setting of surface albedo RoughLengthSetting = 'LOContrast' ! 粗度長の設定方法 ! Setting of surface roughness length / &surface_data_nml HeatCapacity = 0.0d0, ! 地表熱容量. ! Surface heat capacity SurfCond = 1 ! 地表状態 (0: 固定, 1: 可変). ! Surface condition (0: fixed, 1: variable) / &rad_short_income_nml FlagAnnualMean = .false., FlagDiurnalMean = .false., EpsOrb = 23.44d0, PerLonFromVE = 282.768413d0, LonFromVEAtEpoch = 279.403308d0, Eccentricity = 0.016713d0, TimeAtEpoch = -1.0d0, EpochYear = 1990, EpochMonth = 1, EpochDay = 1, EpochHour = 0, EpochMin = 0, EpochSec = 0.0d0 / &set_O3_nml FlagO3 = .false., O3File = "../data_Earth/O3_CMIP5_climatology_zonalmean_T021_P8.nc" / &axesset_nml Depth = 0.0d0, -4.0d-2, -12.0d-2, -28.0d-2, -40.0d-2, -64.0d-2, -112.0d-2, -208.0d-2, -400.0d-2, -784.0d-2, Sigma = 1.00000000 0.997503102 0.992528021 0.982652187 0.963194370 0.927743435 0.893597305 0.829029083 0.762362421 0.695695758 0.629029095 0.562362432 0.495695770 0.429029107 0.362362444 0.295695782 0.230288103 0.179348558 0.139676794 0.108780399 8.47182572E-02 6.59786463E-02 5.13842218E-02 4.00180705E-02 3.11661046E-02 1.55830523E-02 0.00000000E+00 ! $ \sigma $ レベル (半整数). ! Half $ \sigma $ level / &dynamics_hspl_vas83_nml FlagSLTT = .true., ! FlagSLTT = .false., ! TracerTransportMethod = "semi-lagrange" FlagSpongeLayer = .true., SLEFoldTimeValue = 10.0d0, SLEFoldTimeUnit = 'day', SLOrder = 1, SLNumLayer = 5, FlagDivDamp = .true., ! HDOrder = 4, HDOrder = 8, ! 超粘性の次数. Order of hyper-viscosity HDEFoldTimeValue = 1.0, ! 最大波数に対する e-folding time. ! 負の値を与えると, 水平拡散係数をゼロにします. ! ! E-folding time for maximum wavenumber. ! If negative value is given, ! coefficients of horizontal diffusion become zero. HDEFoldTimeUnit = 'day' ! 最大波数に対する e-folding time の単位. ! Unit of e-folding time for maximum wavenumber / ! ! ヒストリデータ出力の全体設定 ! Global settings about history data output ! >ool_historyauto_nml IntValue = 0.25, ! ヒストリデータの出力間隔の数値. ! 負の値を与えると, 出力を抑止します. ! ! Numerical value for interval of history data output ! Negative values suppresses output. IntUnit = 'day', !!$ IntUnit = 'hrs', !!$ IntUnit = 'min', !!$ IntUnit = 'sec', ! ヒストリデータの出力間隔の単位. ! Unit for interval of history data output Precision = 'float', !!$ Precision = 'double', ! ヒストリデータの精度. ! Precision of history data FilePrefix = '', !!$ FilePrefix = 'data01/', ! ヒストリデータのファイル名の接頭詞. ! Prefixes of history data filenames / ! ! ヒストリデータ出力の個別設定 ! Individual settings about history data output ! >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'U, V, Temp, Ps, QH2OVap', / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'QH2OLiq, QH2OSol' / !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'Vor, Div, SigDot, DPiDt' !/ >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SigDot' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SurfTemp' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SoilMoist' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SurfSnow' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SoilTemp' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'Rain, Snow, PRCP', TimeAverage = .true. / !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'PRCPCum', ! TimeAverage = .true. !/ !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'PRCPLsc', ! TimeAverage = .true. !/ >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'Evap, Sens, OLR, SLR, OSR, SSR, ISR' TimeAverage = .true. / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'EvapB, SensA, OLRA, SLRA, OSRA, SSRA, ISRA' TimeAverage = .true. / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SurfAlbedo' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SeaIceConc' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'Mass, KinEngy, IntEngy, PotEngy, LatEngy, TotEngy, Enstro' SpaceAverage = .true., .true., .true., Precision = 'double', / !!$>ool_historyauto_nml !!$ Name = 'RainCumulus, RainLsc', !!$ TimeAverage = .true. !!$/ !!$>ool_historyauto_nml !!$ Name = 'DTempDtCumulus, DQVapDtCumulus, DTempDtLsc, DQVapDtLsc' !!$/ !!$>ool_historyauto_nml !!$ Name = 'DTempDtDryConv' !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'QO3, QCO2' !/ >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'Decl' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'DistFromStarScld' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'PlanetLonFromVE' / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SurfH2OVapFlux, SurfH2OVapFluxB' TimeAverage = .true. / >ool_historyauto_nml Name = 'SurfH2OVapFluxU, EvapU' TimeAverage = .true. / !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'TKE, VelDiffCoef, TempDiffCoef, TKEPShear, TKEPBuoy, TKEDiss' !/ !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'TKE' !/ !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'OMG' !/ !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'DTempDtRadS, DTempDtRadL' !/ !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'PotTemp, SLP' !/ !>ool_historyauto_nml ! Name = 'RadLUWFLXA, RadLDWFLXA, RadSUWFLXA, RadSDWFLXA' ! TimeAverage = .true. !/